Channel 150288-leakDA

General data

Metadata classes

  • Brain Area: dorsal part of lateral amygdala (LAd)
  • Neuron Region: soma, dendrites
  • Neuron Type: regular spiking (RS) cell
  • Subtype: leak

Metadata generic

  • Authors: Unknown
  • Comments: Passive leak current, with da modulation. Note that the paper cites li et al. (2009), and powers et al. (2011) for the source of channel kinetics, but the mod files appear to come from elsewhere. No mention of animal model here, paper compares neuron properties to those in sah et al. 2003, a review on the amygdaloid complex, as well as repa et al. (2001), which features experiments on rat amygdala. Animal model is considered generic.
  • Temperature: No apparent temperature dependence.

Current Response Traces

No traces available for this channel.