Development of ICGenealogy
Our resource is continuously maintained and improved with funding by the BBSRC (BB/N019512/1).
Should you encounter any problems, please file a ticket or notify us by email.
For reference, a mirror of the version of ICGenealogy at the time of our first publication is always running.
Please see our ICGenealogy Github Organization, where we publish code related to the ICGenealogy project:
- Code for running the protocols we use to evaluate channel models in the NEURON simulator can be found in the icg-nrn-sim repository.
- Channel .mod files including slight modifications to make them runnable with our tool can be found in the icg-channels repository.
Version history
Only major versions announced here.
- 0.3.5 @ 13.12.2016: Publication release
- Reviewer comments have been integrated
- Publication state mirror has been added
- Sorting of metadata in the channel browser is now consistently alphabetical.
- Minor bugfixes
- 0.3.3 @ 10.5.2016: Updates exposing channel models
provides general links to models, involving internal class lookup. This is used for links from ModelDB./channels/other
exposes channel models that have not been quantitatively analyzed for ICG
- 0.3.1 @ 6.5.2016: Major Update
- Server: All communication is now encrypted over SSL
- API: Improved caching
- API: Updated structure of the API, including autogenerated documentation
- Channel submission: enabled for Kv, Nav, Cav and IH classes.
- Channel submission: improved logging for failed NEURON simulations. You now receive asyncronous messages on completion/failure of your channel simulations, including full error reports for debugging.
- 0.3.0 @ May 2015: First public release
Content updates
Here we list major content updates for the ICGenelaogy database.
ModelDB 2018 channels @ 01.02.2019: Added 754 additional analyzed channel models to the database and the Github repository
- 392 Kv models
- 238 Nav models
- 113 Cav models
- 11 IH models
ModelDB 2015 channels @ 14.12.2016: Added 574 additional analyzed channel models to the database and the Github repository
- 281 Kv models
- 151 Nav models
- 93 Cav models
- 49 IH models
Development timeline
Upcoming development milestones for ICGenealogy:
- 0.4.0 (early 2017)
- General crossreferencing to external resources: currently the resource is hardcoded for ModelDB references. Links to ModelDB will be normalized into a general data reference structure, allowing several external resources to be linked to files.
- Direct references to ModelDB files: Currently instead of entries (by file Hash comparison).
- Display tracking of ICG changes to ModelDB .mod alongside the Channel information. States will include "original" and "modified".
- 0.5.0 (mid 2017)
- User contribution of channels entries: currently channels and experiments can be submitted and evaluated. Infrastructure for curating these into ICG channel entries exists, but needs to be extended for security and simplicity.