Channel 141273-cad

General data

Metadata classes

  • Animal Model: generic
  • Brain Area: layer 2/3, cortex
  • Neuron Region: soma, dendrites
  • Neuron Type: pyramidal cell, regular spiking (RS) cell, fast-spiking (FS) cell, low-threshold spiking (LTS) cell, interneuron
  • Subtype: active flux

Metadata generic

  • Age: generic
  • Authors: Mainen Z
  • Comments: Decay of internal calcium concentration, published in destexhe et al. (1993), written by a destexhe nov 1992. Taken from mainen & sejnowski (1996), model no. 2488, with no apparent change to kinetics. Modeling study, with morphology taken from various sources, including bush and sejnowski (1993), jones et al. (2007,2009), ziegler et al. (2010) for pyramidal neurons and fanselow et al. (2008) and mainen and sejnowski (1996). No explicit animal models mentioned, so this is considered to be generic.
  • Temperature: No temperature dependence.

Current Response Traces

No traces available for this channel.