Channel 185355-HCN
General data
- ICG id: 4819
- ModelDB id: 185355
- Reference: Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015): Intrinsic rescaling of granule cells restores pattern separation ability of a dentate gyrus network model during epileptic hyperexcitability.
Metadata classes
- Brain Area: dentate gyrus (DG)
- Neuron Region: distal dendrites
- Neuron Type: granule cell
- Subtype: HCN
Metadata generic
- Authors: Man Yi Yim, Alexander Hanuschkin, Jakob Wolfart
- Comments: Original Mod File: Original name 'hyperde3.mod' Santhakumar V, Aradi I, Soltesz I (2005) J Neurophysiol 93:437-53 Current version by A. Hanuschkin <AH, 2011> for: Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015) Hippocampus 25:297-308. Mod File history: Chen K, Aradi I, Thon N, Eghbal-Ahmadi M, Baram TZ, Soltesz I: Persistently modified h-channels after complex febrile seizures convert the seizure-induced enhancement of inhibition to hyperexcitability. Nature Medicine, 7(3) pp. 331-337, 2001. (modeling by Ildiko Aradi, distal dendritic Ih channel kinetics for both HT and Control animals
- Temperature: celsius = 6.3, q10 = 3^((celsius - 6.3)/10)
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
