Channel 8284-hyperde1_icgIH2
General data
- ICG id: 3467
- ModelDB id: 8284
- Reference: Chen K, Aradi I, Thon N, Eghbal-Ahmadi M, Baram TZ, Soltesz I (2001): Persistently modified h-channels after complex febrile seizures convert the seizure-induced enhancement of inhibition to hyperexcitability.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: Sprague-Dawley, rat
- Brain Area: hippocampus, CA1
- Neuron Region: dendrites
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q1 (fast)
- Subtype: h
Metadata generic
- Authors: I Aradi
- Comments: Proximal dendritic ih channel kinetics for both ht and control animals. Model by i aradi. Hyperpolarization-activated nonspecific h current in ca1 pyramidal cells. Fit to expt data from this study and distribution from magee (1998). No modeldb ancestors. Animal model is from experiments in paper, used to fit ih currents.
- Runtime: 12.585
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, default at 6.3 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
