Channel 151460-Ih
General data
- ICG id: 3072
- ModelDB id: 151460
- Reference: Miocinovic S, Parent M, Butson CR, Hahn PJ, Russo GS, Vitek JL, McIntyre CC (2006): Computational analysis of subthalamic nucleus and lenticular fasciculus activation during therapeutic deep brain stimulation.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: monkey, macaque
- Brain Area: basal ganglia, subthalamic nucleus (STN)
- Neuron Region: soma, dendrites, axon, axon initial segment (AIS)
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: h
Metadata generic
- Authors: CC McIntyre, P Hahn, S Miocinovic, C Butson, A Gillies
- Comments: Potassium ih channel for sth, from huguenard & mccormick (1992) for lgn relay, done at 35.5 deg c. Special note about calculation of q10 in mod file. Taken from gillies and willshaw (2006), model no. 74298, with changes to mod file in temperature dependence, but no apparent other changes. Animal model from experiments (or at least data analysis) in this paper. Channel kinetics from previous study of rat stn projection neurons.
- Runtime: 13.465
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence. See note in mod file. Original kinetics at 35.5 deg C.
Current Response Traces
Action Potential