Channel 148094-h
General data
- ICG id: 3024
- ModelDB id: 148094
- Reference: Miceli F, Soldovieri MV, Ambrosino P, Barrese V, Migliore M, Cilio MR, Taglialatela M (2013): Genotype-phenotype correlations in neonatal epilepsies caused by mutations in the voltage sensor of K(v)7.2 potassium channel subunits.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: human
- Brain Area: hippocampus, CA1
- Neuron Region: soma, dendrites
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q3
- Subtype: h
Metadata generic
- Age: various
- Authors: M Migliore
- Comments: I-h channel from magee 1998 for distal dendrites. Taken from shah et al. (2008), model no. 112546, with no changes (identical mod file). This paper features experiments on human kv7.2 channels, put into a model of a ca1 pyramidal cell which originally was based on rat data. We consider the animal model here to be human, due to the experiments, but note that the kinetics of the channels other than kv7.2 are based on other data.
- Runtime: 13.866
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, with q10 set to 4.5 and original kinetics at 33 deg C.
Current Response Traces
Action Potential