Channel 139656-Golgi_hcn1
General data
- ICG id: 1124
- ModelDB id: 139656
- Reference: Simoes de Souza FM, De Schutter E (2011): Robustness effect of gap junctions between Golgi cells on cerebellar cortex oscillations.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: Wistar, rat
- Brain Area: granule cell layer, cerebellum
- Neuron Region: dendrites, single compartment
- Neuron Type: Golgi cell
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: HCN
Metadata generic
- Age: 16-21 days old
- Authors: S Solinas, L Forti, E D'Angelo
- Comments: Hcn1 channel for cerebellum golgi cell model, by s solinas et al., data from santoro et al. (2000), last revised may 2007. Taken from solinas et al. (2007), model no. 112685, without modification (identical mod file). Modeling study, with the original model parameters from ancestors. The animal model info here is identical to the ancestor animal model.
- Runtime: 13.767
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence. Simulations were done at 23 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
