Channel 125378-ca12dZUy
General data
- ICG id: 632
- ModelDB id: 125378
- Reference: Lee SC, Hayashida Y, Ishida AT (2003): Availability of low-threshold Ca2+ current in retinal ganglion cells.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: goldfish
- Brain Area: retina
- Neuron Type: retinal ganglion cell (RGC)
- Runtime Q: Q4 (slow)
- Subtype: T-type
Metadata generic
- Age: adult
- Authors: Y Hayashida.
- Comments: T-type ca2+ channel, large scaled markov model for t-type ca2+ channel, from serrano et al (1999), written by y hayashida 2001. Cites the following studies: de schutter and smolen (1998), hille (1984), huguenard and mccormick (1992). No apparent modeldb ancestors. Animal model from experiments in this paper.
- Runtime: 11.753
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence. Experiments done at 20-24 deg C, simulations done at 23 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
