Channel 223649-IL_gutnick
General data
- ICG id: 4160
- ModelDB id: 223649
- Reference: Alturki A, Feng F, Nair A, Guntu V, Nair SS (2016): Distinct current modules shape cellular dynamics in model neurons.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: hippocampus
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Subtype: HVA
Metadata generic
- Age: 4-6 weeks old
- Authors: Alturki A, Feng F, Nair A, Guntu V, Nair SS
- Comments: TITLE High threshold calcium current COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- High threshold calcium current ------------------------------ - Ca++ current, L type channels - Differential equations - Model from: Reuveni I; Friedman A; Amitai Y; Gutnick MJ. Stepwise repolarization from Ca2+ plateaus in neocortical pyramidal cells: evidence for nonhomogeneous distribution of HVA Ca2+ channels in dendrites. Journal of Neuroscience, 1993 Nov, 13(11):4609-21. - Experimental data for voltage-dependent activation: Sayer RJ; Schwindt PC; Crill WE. High- and low-threshold calcium currents in neurons acutely isolated from rat sensorimotor cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 1990 Dec 11, 120(2):175-8. - Experimental data for voltage-dependent inactivation: Dichter MA; Zona C. Calcium currents in cultured rat cortical neurons. Brain Research, 1989 Jul 17, 492(1-2):219-29. - Calcium-dependent inactivation was not modeled; if interested, see: Kay AR. Inactivation kinetics of calcium current of acutely dissociated CA1 pyramidal cells of the mature guinea-pig hippocampus. Journal of Physiology, 1991 Jun, 437:27-48. - m2h kinetics from: Kay AR; Wong RK. Calcium current activation kinetics in isolated pyramidal neurones of the Ca1 region of the mature guinea-pig hippocampus. Journal of Physiology, 1987 Nov, 392:603-16. - Reversal potential described by Nernst equation - no temperature dependence included (rates correspond to 36 degC) Alain Destexhe, Laval University, 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDCOMMENT
- Temperature: no temperature dependence
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
