Channel 189154-cal
General data
- ICG id: 4148
- ModelDB id: 189154
- Reference: Neymotin SA, Dura-Bernal S, Lakatos P, Sanger TD, Lytton WW (2016): Multitarget Multiscale Simulation for Pharmacological Treatment of Dystonia in Motor Cortex.
Metadata classes
- Brain Area: cortex
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell, basket cell, regular spiking (RS) cell, fast-spiking (FS) cell, low-threshold spiking (LTS) cell, interneuron
- Subtype: L-type
Metadata generic
- Authors: Neymotin SA, Dura-Bernal S, Lakatos P, Sanger TD, Lytton WW
- Comments: TITLE L-calcium channel : L-type calcium channel with [Ca]i inactivation : from Jaffe, D. B., Ross, W. N., Lisman, J. E., Laser-Ross, N., Miyakawa, H., and Johnston, D. A. A model for dendritic Ca2 : accumulation in hippocampal pyramidal neurons based on fluorescence imaging measurements. J. Neurophysiol. 71:1O65-1077 1994. : conduction density estimate of 50-200 pS/mu2; 0.0025 S/cm2 (5-20 channels of 10 each) : M. Migliore, E. Cook, D.B. Jaffe, D.A. Turner and D. Johnston, Computer simulations of morphologically reconstructed CA3 : hippocampal neurons, J. Neurophysiol. 73, 1157-1168 (1995). : adapted from\ca3_db\cal2.mod : this version from\kv72-R213QW-mutations\cal2.mod : Miceli F, Soldovieri MV, Ambrosino P, Barrese V, Migliore M, Cilio MR, Taglialatela M (2013) Genotype-phenotype : correlations in neonatal epilepsies caused by mutations in the voltage sensor of Kv7.2 potassium channel subunits. PNAS 110:4386-4391
- Temperature: q10 = 5, qt=q10^((celsius-25)/10)
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
