Channel 153574-TCa_d
General data
- ICG id: 4074
- ModelDB id: 153574
- Reference: Gilra A, Bhalla US (2015): Bulbar microcircuit model predicts connectivity and roles of interneurons in odor coding.
Metadata classes
- Brain Area: olfactory bulb (OB)
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: mitral cell, granule cell, periglomerular (PG) cell
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Authors: Gilra A, Bhalla US
- Comments: TITLE Low threshold calcium current : : Ca++ current responsible for low threshold spikes (LTS) : RETICULAR THALAMUS : Differential equations : : Model of Huguenard & McCormick, J Neurophysiol 68: 1373-1383, 1992. : The kinetics is described by standard equations (NOT GHK) : using a m2h format, according to the voltage-clamp data : (whole cell patch clamp) of Huguenard & Prince, J Neurosci. : 12: 3804-3817, 1992. : See also: , : : - Kinetics adapted to fit the T-channel of reticular neuron : - Q10 changed to 5 and 3 : - Time constant htau fitted from experimental data : - shift parameter for screening charge : : ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS FROM EXPERIMENTS (NO CORRECTION) : : Reversal potential taken from Nernst Equation : : Written by Alain Destexhe, Salk Institute, Sept 18, 1992 :
- Temperature: no temperature dependence
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
