Channel 116094-lcafixed

General data

Metadata classes

  • Brain Area: mitral cell layer, olfactory bulb (OB)
  • Neuron Region: soma, dendrites, primary dendrites, dendritic tuft (apical tuft)
  • Neuron Type: mitral cell
  • Runtime Q: Q3
  • Subtype: L-type

Metadata generic

  • Authors: A Davison
  • Comments: Lca calcium channel with fixed reversal potential, parameters from bhalla and bower (1993), written by a davison 1998. Channel kinetics were previously used in davison et al. (2000, 2003), originally from bhalla & bower (1993). This file was taken from davison et al. (2003), model no. 2730, with no changes (identical mod file). Modeling study, uses model and kinetics from previous studies (davison et al. 2000, 2003; bhalla & bower 1993). Animal model is considered generic. Kinetics were originally based on data from turtle mitral cells, but have since been used in the context of the mammalian olfactory bulb.
  • Runtime: 8.026
  • Temperature: No temperature dependence.

Current Response Traces

Action Potential