Channel 187473-nahh
General data
- ICG id: 4069
- ModelDB id: 187473
- Reference: Sundt D, Gamper N, Jaffe DB (2015): Spike propagation through the dorsal root ganglia in an unmyelinated sensory neuron: a modeling study.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: generic
- Brain Area: dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
- Neuron Region: soma, axon
- Neuron Type: sensory neuron
- Subtype: HH
Metadata generic
- Authors: DB Jaffe
- Comments: nahh, From Traub & Miles "Neuronal networks of the hippocampus" (1991). Cummins et al. (2007), Sheets et al. (2007)
- Temperature: q10 = 3^((celsius - 30)/10)
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
