Channel 150024-NaP

General data

Metadata classes

  • Animal Model: rat
  • Brain Area: cerebellum, distal cerebellar nucleus (DCN)
  • Neuron Region: soma, dendrites, axon, proximal dendrites
  • Runtime Q: Q2
  • Subtype: persistent

Metadata generic

  • Age: P75-90
  • Authors: J Luthman, V Steuber
  • Comments: Persistent sodium current (nap) of deep cerebellar nucleus (dcn) neuron, translated from genesis by j luthman and v steuber. Channel kinetics came from previous models in steuber et al. (2011) (genesis) and luthman et al. (2011) (neuron). This mod file was taken from luthman et al. (2011), model no. 144523, with no changes (identical mod file). Animal model comes from experiments in this paper. Morphology used is from rat (p14-17) in steuber et al. (2004), and channel kinetics come from previous studies (luthman et al. 2011, steuber et al. 2011) also on dcn neurons in rat (p13-19)
  • Runtime: 4.652
  • Temperature: No temperature dependence.

Current Response Traces

Action Potential