Channel 144553-naz_nature
General data
- ICG id: 2762
- ModelDB id: 144553
- Reference: Amatrudo JM, Weaver CM, Crimins JL, Hof PR, Rosene DL, Luebke JI (2012): Influence of highly distinctive structural properties on the excitability of pyramidal neurons in monkey visual and prefrontal cortices.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: monkey, rhesus monkey
- Brain Area: visual cortex, prefrontal cortex, cortex, layer 3
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Age: adult (5-11 years)
- Authors: Z Mainen
- Comments: Sodium channel, hh-style kinetics, fit to data from huguenard et al. (1988) and hamill et al. (1991), qi is not well constrained by the data, so no points between -80 and -55. V-dependencies are shifted approximately from the best fit to give higher threshold. By z mainen 1994. Paper cites mainen and sejnowski (1996) and vetter et al. (2001). Taken from mainen & sejnowski (1996), model no. 2488, with changes in implementation, but the same parameters. It is unclear if kinetics are modified. Animal model is from experiment in paper. Channel kinetics come from previous study using data from l5 pyramidal neurons (mainen & sejnowski 1996).
- Runtime: 4.504
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, with q10 set to 2.3 and original kinetics at 23 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
