Channel 112834-nap
General data
- ICG id: 153
- ModelDB id: 112834
- Reference: Wolf JA, Moyer JT, Lazarewicz MT, Contreras D, Benoit-Marand M, O'Donnell P, Finkel LH (2005): NMDA/AMPA ratio impacts state transitions and entrainment to oscillations in a computational model of the nucleus accumbens medium spiny projection neuron.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: basal ganglia, nucleus accumbens (NAcc)
- Neuron Region: soma, dendrites
- Neuron Type: medium spiny projection (MSP) neuron
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: persistent
Metadata generic
- Age: 48-59 days
- Authors: J Moyer.
- Comments: Nap - persistent sodium current for nucleus accumbens, written by j moyer 2004, cites magistretti & alonso (1999) for inactivation kinetics and traub et al. (2003) for activation kinetics, model no. 20756, with various modifications. Animal model is from experiments in paper. Channel data comes mostly from churchill & macvicar 1998, on adult rat accumbal cells. Kinetics originally from entorhinal cortex principal cells (magistretti & alonso 1999) and frb cortical cells (traub et al. 2003).
- Runtime: 4.478
- Temperature: No apparent temperature dependence. Experiments done at 33-35 deg C, simulations at 35 deg C.
Current Response Traces
Action Potential