Channel 135902-kaolmkop
General data
- ICG id: 873
- ModelDB id: 135902
- Reference: Stacey WC, Lazarewicz MT, Litt B (2009): Synaptic noise and physiological coupling generate high-frequency oscillations in a hippocampal computational model.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: mouse
- Brain Area: CA3, hippocampus, CA1
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: oriens lacunosum-moleculare (O-LM), interneuron
- Runtime Q: Q3
- Subtype: A
Metadata generic
- Age: P18-25
- Authors: M Lazarewicz, W Stacey
- Comments: K-a current for o-lm cells. All channel kinetics purportedly taken from tort et al. (2007), model no. 138421, a network model of ca3 hippocampus, with pyramidal, basket, and o-lm cells. Kinetics were originally based on migliore et al. (2004) for pyramidal cells, wang & buzsáki (1996) for basket cells, and saraga et al. (2003) for o-lm cells. No modeldb ancestors. Modeling study, with no mention to experimental results. Model adapted from tort et al. (2007). The animal model info was taken from there.
- Runtime: 7.774
- Temperature: No temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
