Channel 126640-krp
General data
- ICG id: 716
- ModelDB id: 126640
- Reference: Spiga S, Lintas A, Migliore M, Diana M (2010): Altered architecture and functional consequences of the mesolimbic dopamine system in cannabis dependence.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: basal ganglia, nucleus accumbens (NAcc)
- Neuron Region: soma
- Neuron Type: medium spiny projection (MSP) neuron
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: RP
Metadata generic
- Age: not specified
- Authors: J Moyer
- Comments: Krp (4ap resistant, persistent) current for nucleus accumbens, from nisenbaum et al. (1996), written by j moyer 2004. Kinetics for all channels taken from wolf et al. 2005 (112834), with no modification (identical mod file). Animal model is from experiments in paper. Channel kinetics identical to previous study on rat msns, but original source of kinetics may be different (see ancestor models).
- Runtime: 7.607
- Temperature: No apparent temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
