Channel 125857-kaf
General data
- ICG id: 662
- ModelDB id: 125857
- Reference: Lee J (2007): Fast Rhythmic Bursting Cells: The Horizontal Fiber System in the Cat's Primary Visual Cortex
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: cat
- Brain Area: visual cortex, cortex, V1
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell, fast rhythmic bursting (FRB)
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: A
Metadata generic
- Age: unspecified
- Authors: J Moyer.
- Comments: Fast a-type potassium current for nucleus accumbens (kv4.2), by j moyer 2004, from tkatch et al. (2000). No mention of any channel in paper, it looks like this mod file was adapted to this new experimental data. Animal model is from experiments in paper. Model appears to have been created separately.
- Runtime: 7.512
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
