Channel 124063-Bip_Ka
General data
- ICG id: 573
- ModelDB id: 124063
- Reference: Stehle G, Buss J, Eibach J, Plugge T, Lasserre JJ, Kehry I, Heene DL (1990): Cardiogenic shock associated with verapamil in a patient with liver cirrhosis.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: vertebrate
- Brain Area: retina
- Neuron Region: single compartment
- Neuron Type: bipolar cell
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: A
Metadata generic
- Authors: R Publio
- Comments: Ka current. Used here for rod bipolar cell, not in cone bipolar cell. Model taken from usui et al (1996). No apparent modeldb ancestors. Modeling study, based on several previous studies. Animal model is considered generic vertebrate as stated in paper, though much of the previous data comes from tiger salamander. This channel kinetics apparently comes from previous studies on lower vertebrates such as goldfish, white bass, tiger salamander and dogfish (usui et al. 1996), but the mod file states that kinetics are from tiger salamander (fohlmeister et al. 1990).
- Runtime: 7.441
- Temperature: No temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
