Channel 226010-A
General data
- ICG id: 4530
- ModelDB id: 226010
- Reference: Dougalis AG, Matthews GAC, Liss B, Ungless MA (2017): Ionic currents influencing spontaneous firing and pacemaker frequency in dopamine neurons of the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray and dorsal raphe nucleus (vlPAG/DRN): A voltage-clamp and computational modelling study.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: mouse
- Brain Area: ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, dorsal raphe nucleus
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: dopaminergic
- Subtype: transient
Metadata generic
- Age: 3-6 old
- Authors: Dougalis AG, Matthews GA, Liss B, Ungless MA
- Comments: TITLE A-type transient potassium current (A-current) COMMENT written for NEURON by Antonios Dougalis, 23 Feb 2015, London, UK based on voltage clamp data from Dougalis et al., 2017 J Comput Neurosci ENDCOMMENT
- Temperature: No temperature dependence
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
