Channel 186977-K_pyr_bk
General data
- ICG id: 3915
- ModelDB id: 186977
- Reference: Avella Gonzalez OJ, Mansvelder HD, van Pelt J, van Ooyen A (2015): H-Channels Affect Frequency, Power and Amplitude Fluctuations of Neuronal Network Oscillations.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: generic
- Brain Area: prefrontal cortex
- Neuron Region: single compartment
- Neuron Type: generic
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Authors: Avella G Oscar Javier
- Comments: Potassium current, Author: Ronald van Elburg, Taken from model for fast spiking neuron in J. Tegner, A. Compte, X.J. Wang, J. Neurosci. 22(20): 9053-9062, 2002
- Temperature: No temperature dependence
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
