Channel 185355-Kir
General data
- ICG id: 3907
- ModelDB id: 185355
- Reference: Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015): Intrinsic rescaling of granule cells restores pattern separation ability of a dentate gyrus network model during epileptic hyperexcitability.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: generic
- Brain Area: hippocampus, dentate gyrus (DG)
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: granule cell, basket cell, hilar mossy cell, MOPP cell
- Subtype: inward rectifier (IR, IR2, IRK)
Metadata generic
- Authors: MY Yim; A Hanuschkin; J Wolfart
- Comments: Inward rectifier potassium channel. Mod File by A. Hanuschkin <AH, 2011> for: Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015) Hippocampus 25:297-308. Channel description and parameters from: Stegen M, Kirchheim F, Hanuschkin A, Staszewski O, Veh R, and Wolfart J. Cerebral Cortex, 22:9, 2087-2101, 2012. Mod File history: - tau(V), linf(V) fitted to experimental values of human dentate gyrus granual cells - ModelDB file adapted from Wolf JA, Moyer JT, Lazarewicz MT, Contreras D, Benoit-Marand M, O'Donnell P, Finkel LH (2005) J Neurosci 25:9080-95 - file modified to uses nomoclature of Li X, Ascoli GA (2006) J of Comput Neurosci 21(2):191-209 Li X, Ascoli GA (2008) Neural Comput 20:1717-31.
- Temperature: Temperature dependence, celsius (degC), q10=1
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
