Channel 185355-ichan2_icgK
General data
- ICG id: 3905
- ModelDB id: 185355
- Reference: Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015): Intrinsic rescaling of granule cells restores pattern separation ability of a dentate gyrus network model during epileptic hyperexcitability.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: generic
- Brain Area: hippocampus, dentate gyrus (DG)
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: granule cell, basket cell, hilar mossy cell, MOPP cell
- Subtype: HH
Metadata generic
- Authors: MY Yim; A Hanuschkin; J Wolfart
- Comments: Combination for Hodgkin-Hxuley type action potential mechanism. Lots of comments in this section including history and warnings. What to do?
- Temperature: celsius =6.3 (degC)
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
