Channel 117459-hh2
In other classes
General data
- ICG id: 369
- ModelDB id: 117459
- Reference: Cruz GE, Sahley CL, Muller KJ (2007): Neuronal competition for action potential initiation sites in a circuit controlling simple learning.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: leech
- Brain Area: ganglion (nerve cord)
- Neuron Region: soma
- Neuron Type: S-cell, interneuron
- Runtime Q: Q4 (slow)
- Subtype: HH
Metadata generic
- Authors: Unknown
- Comments: Hh sodium potassium and leak channels, cites h-h (1952), and meunier and segev (2002). Animal model comes from experiments in this paper.
- Runtime: 5.108
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
