Channel 151404-hh3k
General data
- ICG id: 3132
- ModelDB id: 151404
- Reference: Behabadi BF, Polsky A, Jadi M, Schiller J, Mel BW (2012): Location-dependent excitatory synaptic interactions in pyramidal neuron dendrites.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: layer 5, cortex
- Neuron Region: soma, dendrites, axon
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Age: 18-28 days old
- Authors: B Behabadi, B Mel, K Archie
- Comments: Hh k channel. Modified hh conductances after ojvind et al. By b mel. Updated by k archie: removed leak current, changed to derivatives rather than explicit step. Code cleaned up by bfb, 2007. Some parameters for conductance and ek taken from nevian et al. (2007). Paper lists several sources for model, but it is unclear if kinetics were based on them. No ancestor channel is listed. Animal model from experiments in paper. However, channel parameters and kinetics were mostly constrained by previous results.
- Runtime: 7.676
- Temperature: No temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
