Channel 146565-hh3
In other classes
General data
- ICG id: 2866
- ModelDB id: 146565
- Reference: Lavzin M, Rapoport S, Polsky A, Garion L, Schiller J (2012): Nonlinear dendritic processing determines angular tuning of barrel cortex neurons in vivo.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: mouse, rat
- Brain Area: cortex, layer 4, barrel cortex
- Neuron Type: stellate cell, spiny cell
- Runtime Q: Q4 (slow)
- Subtype: HH
Metadata generic
- Age: P15-20 (mouse, in vitro), P27-35 (rat, in vivo)
- Authors: A Polsky
- Comments: Hh channel, mel-modified hh conductances after ojvind et al. No mention of ancestors in paper, but this appears to come from larkum et al. (2009), model no. 124043, with no changes (identical mod file). Animal model here is from experiments in paper. Model uses unspecified morphology and kinetics for a spiny stellate cell. This channel was used previously in a model of an l5 pyramidal neuron (larkum et al. 2009).
- Runtime: 5.128
- Temperature: Model sets temperature to 37 deg C, but does not appear to be temperature dependent.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
