Channel 127351-kad
General data
- ICG id: 2742
- ModelDB id: 127351
- Reference: Katz Y, Menon V, Nicholson DA, Geinisman Y, Kath WL, Spruston N (2009): Synapse distribution suggests a two-stage model of dendritic integration in CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: hippocampus, CA1
- Neuron Region: dendrites, distal dendrites
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q3
- Subtype: A
Metadata generic
- Age: adult (6 months)
- Authors: M Migliore
- Comments: K-a channel from golding et al. (2001) (no. 64167), with modifications. Animal model info here comes from the experimental part of this paper, the model was also based on morphology from rat.
- Runtime: 7.975
- Temperature: No mention of temperature in paper, channel model has standard temperature dependence, with default kinetics at 24 deg C and q10=5.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
