Channel 3488-kargc
General data
- ICG id: 1823
- ModelDB id: 3488
- Reference: Benison G, Keizer J, Chalupa LM, Robinson DW (2001): Modeling temporal behavior of postnatal cat retinal ganglion cells.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: cat
- Brain Area: retina
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: retinal ganglion cell (RGC)
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: A
Metadata generic
- Age: postnatal
- Authors: M Migliore
- Comments: K-a current for retinal ganglion cell from benison et al. (2001), based on expt data from skaliora et al. (1993,1995) and huang & robinson (1998), and made using a hodgkin-huxley (1952) formalism. Specifically, the ka experiments are in skaliora et al. (1995). No apparent modeldb ancestors. Modeling study based on previous experimental results. The animal model here reflects the previous studies and the current model.
- Runtime: 7.643
- Temperature: No temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
