Channel 3344-kadg
General data
- ICG id: 1798
- ModelDB id: 3344
- Reference: Beck H, Ficker E, Heinemann U (1992): Properties of two voltage-activated potassium currents in acutely isolated juvenile rat dentate gyrus granule cells.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: Wistar, rat
- Brain Area: hippocampus, dentate gyrus (DG)
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q4 (slow)
- Subtype: A
Metadata generic
- Age: 5 days - 3 months old
- Authors: M Migliore
- Comments: K-a channel from beck ficker and heinemann, rat dentate gyrus granule cells, created by migliore 2001. No modeldb ancestors. Experimental study that was later created into a model by m migliore (2001).
- Runtime: 8.351
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, default at 22 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
