Channel 20014-hh1
In other classes
General data
- ICG id: 1603
- ModelDB id: 20014
- Reference: Korogod SM, Kulagina IB, Tyc-Dumont S (1998): Transfer properties of neuronal dendrites with tonically activated conductances
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: nucleus abducens (pons)
- Neuron Type: motoneuron
- Runtime Q: Q1 (fast)
- Subtype: HH
Metadata generic
- Age: not specified
- Authors: SM Korogod, IB Kulagina, VI Kukushka
- Comments: Squid sodium, potassium and leak channels. A replica of neuron hh.mod membrane mechanism with 10 times smaller conductivities and slightly modified ek and el. Taken from korogod and kulagina (1998), model no. 19214. Animal model is from the morphology used in the model.
- Runtime: 4.395
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, with q10 set to 3 and original kinetics at 6.3 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
