Channel 143442-kd
General data
- ICG id: 1234
- ModelDB id: 143442
- Reference: Foust AJ, Yu Y, Popovic M, Zecevic D, McCormick DA (2011): Somatic membrane potential and Kv1 channels control spike repolarization in cortical axon collaterals and presynaptic boutons.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: mouse
- Brain Area: somatosensory cortex, layer 5, cortex
- Neuron Region: axon, axon initial segment (AIS), axon nodes (nodes of ranvier)
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: D
Metadata generic
- Age: 2-5 weeks old
- Authors: Z Mainen
- Comments: K-d current for prefrontal cortical neuron, from y yu 2007. Taken from shu et al. (2007), model no. 135898, with no changes. Experimental results and modeling. The animal model info here is from the experimental methods.
- Runtime: 7.63
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, with q10 set to 2.3 and original kinetics at 22 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
