Our database provides a comprehensive and quantitative assay of ion channel models currently available in the neuroscientific modeling community, all browsable in interactive visualizations.
Currently, the database contains 4815 models with 3706 quantitatively evaluated ion channels for the NEURON simulator.
Channel Browser
A graphical user interface to all channels currently available in our database. We offer several interactive data views to best help you choose ion channel models.
Together we can improve ICG! Upload your own channel models or submit tickets to correct existing ones should you find errors in our database.
All our data is accessible via an API. This enables you to run automated evaluations against current traces, or simply evaluate the metadata.
People on ICG
2018 Content update released @ 1.2.2019
We have just released the most recent content update to our channel database, catching up on many ion channel models released on ModelDB in 2017 and 2018.
754 additional analyzed channel models have been added across 4 classes of ion channels: Kv, Nav, Cav and IH.
Paper available in print @ 6.3.2017
If you're looking for details in how the ICGenealogy framework works, you can now access our paper in print from eLIFE:
William F Podlaski, Alexander Seeholzer, Lukas N Groschner, Gero Miesenboeck, Rajnish Ranjan, and Tim P Vogels. "Mapping the function of neuronal ion channels in model and experiment." eLIFE, March 6, 2017. doi:10.7554/eLife.22152.
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